Table of contents
"Aero-Space plane. Essential Principles of designing
Scientific and Technical Manual for Engineers and Students of Technical Education
1. Introduction. Aviation on the brink of the space
1.1. Circumterrestrial air space and outer space
1.2. Advantages of aerospace vehicles and the problems of their creation
1.3. Aerospace planes of the USSR
1.4. Ukrainian aerospace plane Sura. Possible modifications of their construction
2. Bases of astronautics
2.1. Elements of astronautics
2.2. Multistage jet vehicle
2.3. Payload weight
2.4. Space orientation
2.5. A little about flight theory of jet plane of E. Zenger I. Bredt construction
2.5.1. Jet planes flight diagrams
2.5.2. Flight and descent trajectories characteristics
2.5.3. Potentials of a jet plane
2.6. Flight theory of the Craft Enrike satelloide
2.7. Jet vehicle dynamics. Equation of motion of jet vehicle. Thrust. Specific thrust. Ratio of weight: flight speed increment
3. Bases of designing of transport rocket-space aircrafts
3.1. Lay-out and constructive diagrams of aircrafts
3.2. Bases of designing of jet aircrafts
3.3. Determination of the main parameters of carrier rockets according to the set of flight characteristics
3.4. Peculiar properties of reusable vehicles designing. Recoverable rocket-propelled vehicles
3.4.1. Constructional features
3.4.2. Ground equipment
3.4.3. Constructional diagrams
3.5. Structural components calculation
3.5.1. Rotational shell calculation
3.5.2. Constructional components stressing calculation
3.5.3. Fuel tank stressing calculation
3.5.4. Calculation of individual structural components of rocket-powered vehicle
3.5.5. LPJE construction stressing calculation
3.5.6. SFJE construction stressing calculation
3.6. Program of the designing-testing calculation of rocket-powered vehicle
4. Fuels of aerospace planes engines
4.1. Thermodynamics of combustion and parameters of the engine
4.2. Calculation of thermodynamical functions
4.3. Fuels energy characteristics
4.4. Kinetics of combustion (recombination into two-phase burning)
4.5. Rocket fuels
4.6. Rocket oxidants
4.7. Fuel-binding of solid rocket fuels
4.8. Internal ballistics of SFJE
4.9. Methods of fuels experimental analysis
4.10. Fuels for jet engines
4.10.1. Physicochemical behaviors of jet fuels
4.10.2. Heat engineering characteristics
4.10.3. Combustion process characteristics
4.10.4. Performance attributes
4.10.5. Fuels requirements and quality control
5. Engines of aerospace planes
5.1. Space flights and types of engines
5.2. Coordination of parameters of propulsion system with main parameters of rocket-powered vehicle
5.3. Liquid Propellant Jet Engines (LPJE)
5.3.1. LPJE statistical characteristics. Selection of LPJE parameters. Calculation of main LPJE parameters
5.3.2. LPJE thermodynamic cycle
5.3.3. Thermal design of LPJE combustion chamber
5.3.4. Thermal protection and cooling
5.3.5. Designing of LPJE chamber
5.3.6. Designing of fuel feeding Pumps & turbines requirements Pumps calculation Turbines calculation Turbo-driven pump assembly calculation Pumps & turbines functioning
5.3.7. LPJE as an object of mathematical modeling
5.3.8. Non-linear mathematical model of LPJE
5.3.9. LPJE dynamics
5.3.10. LPJE automatic regulation
5.4. Solid fuel rocket powered engines
5.4.1. Flow dynamics of processes in SFJE combustion chamber
5.4.2. Aperiodic instability of SPFE processes
5.4.3. Processes in the SPJE nozzle
5.4.4. Calculation of fuel charge and engine
5.4.5. SPFE and gas generators on solid fuel with stepless control of parameters
5.4.6. SPJE with discreetly variable parameters
5.4.7. SPFE thrust vector variation Types of control devices of SPJE nozzle and of the value of steering driving force Steering nozzle flow dynamics Side control force and waste of thrust in steering nozzles Driving forces, acting on the moving part of steering nozzle Moments acting on steering nozzles Construction and materials of steering nozzles Experimental development of steering nozzles
5.4.8. Characteristics, construction and experimental study of the injection system of steering nozzle. Construction and experimental development of SFJE distribution valves
5.4.9. SFJE with combined guidance
5.4.10. SFJE construction and materials
5.5. Electro-reactive engines
5.5.1. Principle diagram of electro-reactive propulsion system. Specific parameters and efficiency
5.5.2. Dynamic equation of plural-component plasma. Magneto-hydrodynamics
5.5.3. Thermal electro-reactive engines
5.5.4. Ion engines
5.5.5. Electromagnetic plasma engines
5.5.6. Thermal energy sources and coolers-radiators of the electro-reactive engines
5.6. Engines for orientation in the space. Orbital engines
5.6.1. Gas-jet engines
5.6.2. Engine on a paste-like fuel
5.7. Air-fed jet engines
5.7.1. Designing of ramjet (direct air-fed) engine
5.7.2. Designing of ramjet engine (RJE) Designing of the inlet diffuser Internal ballistics of the first circuit of RJE Calculation of RJE operation characters Essential principles of ballistic designing of the aircraft with RJE
6. Pressurization systems for fuel tanks of rocket propulsion systems
6.1. Systems of fuel delivery into liquid fuel rocket engine
6.2. Parameters of fuel tanks pressurization system of liquid propulsion systems
6.3.Main requirements and pressurization systems classification
6.4. Thermodynamic calculation of gas-vapor mixture before its delivery into fuel tank
6.5. Processes occurring in fuel tanks while pressurization
6.5.1. Warming-up of liquid component in the tanks. Experimental researches
6.5.2. Formation of the liquid pellicle while emptying the fuel tanks
6.5.3. Fuel tank pressurization by the air with different temperature and humidity
6.5.4. Experimental device for studies of the processes in tanks while their pressurization with combustion materials
6.5.5. Fuel tank pressurization
6.5.6. Oxidizer tank pressurization
6.5.7. Calculation of processes in the tanks
6.5.8. Calculation of gas parameters in the tank while emptying it through the outlet with constant cross-section area
6.5.9. Calculation of gas parameters in the tank while emptying it through the outlet with variable cross-section area
6.5.10. Calculation of gas parameters in the tank while emptying it through a gas reducer
6.5.11. Equations for calculation of the process of filling the tank with gas while its pressurization
6.5.12. Filling up the tank with constant volume
6.5.13. Filling up the tank, which volume is linear function of time
6.5.14. Calculation of the process of filling the tank with pressurized gas through an inlet with variable cross-section
6.5.15. Chemical pressurization systems with bringing liquid reagents into the fuel tank
6.5.16. Chemical pressurization systems with bringing gaseous reagents into the fuel tank
6.5.17. Chemical pressurization systems with bringing solid reagents into the fuel tank
6.5.18. Processes occurring above fuel tank ports. Effect of the shape of an intake on sink process
6.5.19. About the discharge coefficient while liquid outflow
6.6. Tasks of designing the intakes and requirements of them. Primary types of intakes
6.7. Unused fuel remains. The influence of liquid surface roughness in the tank on the amount of the unused fuel remains
6.8. Choosing the parameters of fuel delivery system
6.9. Pressure loss in the fuel supply lines
6.10. Choosing the value of proper pressure while fuel tanks pressurization
6.11. Choosing the proper diameters of fuel delivery lines
6.12. Calculation of gas amount, necessary for tanks pressurization
6.13. Constructional elements of pressurization system
7. Navigation and airborne control system
7.1. Satellites navigation instruments on the basis of GPS receivers
7.2. Designing of control systems for rocket vehicles
7.3. Coordination of characteristics and composition of the control system with main parameters of the rocket vehicle
7.4. Theory of inertial guidance of the rocket vehicle
7.5. Flight guidance of the rocket vehicle
7.6. Rocket vehicle as an object of guidance
7.6.1. Controllability of rocket vehicle
7.6.2. Stabilization system of rocket vehicle
7.6.3. Stability of rocket vehicle
7.6.4. Rocket control by means of head module deflection
7.6.5. Mathematical rocket model with articulately joined modules
7.6.6. Rigid rocket dynamics with full tanks
7.6.7. Coefficients of equations, describing the process of filling rocket tanks with fuel
7.6.8. Equation of resilient rocket flight
7.6.9. Dynamics of space stages of rocket vehicles with idle mid-flight engine
7.6.10. Dynamics of space stages of rocket vehicles with working mid-flight engine