7.6.11. Airborne electronic computer as the means of safety while launching a rocket Vehicle
7.6.12. Systems and units of a rocket vehicle as the objects of guidance
8. Airborne control system actuators
8.1. Introduction. Driving gears classification
8.2. Automatic mechanisms of driving gears of propulsive systems
8.3. Steering actuators
8.4. Special systems actuators
8.5. Hydraulic rocket actuators
8.5.1. Hydraulic drives of self-contained feeding
8.5.2. Hydraulic drives of centralized feeding
8.5.3. Hydraulic boosters
8.5.4. Actuators
8.5.5. Safety valves, reducers, flow limiters, throttles
8.5.6. Calculation of hydraulic actuators
8.6. Hydraulic actuators systems
8.6.1. HAS of centralized feeding from liquid propulsion system
8.6.2. HAS with its own airborne power source
8.6.3. HAS elements Connective pipelines Hydraulic automated mechanisms: Airborne power sources Power fluids Types and main characteristics of power fluids Gases dissolution in power fluids Purity of power fluids, details, internal cavities. Filtration Hydraulic systems impermeability, compacting Calculation of the systems of hydraulic actuators
8.7. Rocket electric actuators
8.7.1. Control means of electric actuators
8.7.2. Electromagnetic operating couplers
8.7.3. Safety couplers
8.7.4. Contact-switching device
8.7.5. Calculation of electric drives and their elements
8.8. Gas-hydraulic drives
8.8.1. Principle diagrams, field of application
8.8.2. Telescoping cylinders
8.8.3. Ball-point locks, speed stabilizers, absorbers
8.8.4. Calculation of gas-hydraulic drives
8.9. Electrical equipment of driving gears
8.9.1. Electric motors
8.9.2. Electromechanical converters
8.9.3. Sensors
8.10. SFJE steering nozzle actuator. Control devices kinematics inflexibility
8.11. Hydraulic machines of gear type
8.12. Hydraulic accumulators
8.13. Hydraulic locks and ancillary devices
8.14. Servo-motor calculation program
9. Thermostatting of orbital spacecraft
9.1. Essential principles of rocket vehicle thermostatting on a launching pad and of an orbital plane while operation
9.2. Thermal protection and temperature control of orbiter
9.3. Analysis of different schemes of drying up and cooling the air
9.4. Air cleansing
9.5. Review of present circuit solutions of guaranteeing the thermal conditions systems
9.6. Choosing and basing of the structure chart of an orbiter thermostatting system
9.7. Pneumatic-hydraulic diagram of the orbiter thermostatting system
9.8. Thermal design of the system and determination of liquid physical agents parameters in critical points
9.9. Calculation of hydraulic resistance of the orbiter thermostatting system
9.10. Constituents of the orbiter thermostatting system
9.10.1. Plate-type heat exchangers
9.10.2. Air filters
9.10.3. Locking and regulating armature
9.10.4. Blowers
9.10.5. Chillers
9.11. Orbiter thermal protection and temperature control during flight
9.11.1. Thermal protection of the airborne apparatus and spacecraft elements
9.11.2. Temperature control passive elements
9.11.3. Temperature control passive elements
10. Descent module protection against temperature impact while aerodynamic heating
10.1. Designing of thermal protection for airspace plane
10.2. Guidance providing of development and usage of thermal protective covering
10.3. Power intensity of thermal absorption main processes when aerodynamic heating
10.4.Limit power intensity of internal and surface heat absorption processes while
heating destruction of materials
10.5. Experimental modeling of aerodynamic heating the heat-shielding coverings
10.6. Inspection methods of servicing characteristics (performance figures) of thermal protection by fiber-optic sensors
11. Guidance ground facility for airspace plane and airspace complex
11.1. Structure of multi-purpose ground guidance facility
12. Take-off of airspace plane
12.1. World spaceports
12.2. Mortar launching of a rocket vehicle from an underground silo (shaft)
12.3. Launching experience of the samples of rocket and air-jet vehicles from mobile launchers and launching sites
12.4. Carrying out of launching of the air-space plane
13. Landing of air-space plane
13.1.Descent module aerodynamics.
13.2. Hypersonic braking device
13.3. Provision of range ability and maximal removal distance of landing gear from the orbit plane
13.4. Designing of the aero-resilient landing systems
13.4.1. Main equations of the system module - parachute motion
13.4.2. Determination of initial conditions and fields of regimes of setting the parachute system going
13.4.2. Changing of main parameters during functioning of the parachute
13.4.4. Dynamics of movement of the system object- parachute
13.4.5. Choosing the scheme of work of the parachute. Carrying out of projecting calculations of the parachute system
13.4.6. Application of gliding controlled parachute systems for recovery space reusable spacecrafts
13.4.7. Integrated working out (polishing) parachute system on the ground bench tests and flying tests
13.4.8. Methods of evaluation of parachute system functioning
13.4.9. Methods of evaluation of strength, filling with air and stability of the parachute system
13.4.10. Methods of reliability evaluation
13.4.11. Landing of the air-space plane with the help of controlled gliding parachute system (CGPC)
13.4.12. Landing of the aerospace plane with the help of parachute-jet braking system.
14. Aviation and rocket materials
14.1. Constructional and technological materials for airspace plane
14.1.1. Steels, metals and alloys
14.1.2. Hardware
14.1.3. Plastic materials
14.1.4. Rubber-technical articles
14.1.5. Textile materials
14.1.6. Glues and vanish-and-paint coating
14.1.7. Working gases
14.1.8. Lubricating materials
14.1.9. Pressurizing materials
14.1.10. Chemical agents and mineral matters
14.1.11. Auxiliary technological materials
14.2. Manufacture technology and particular features of application of carbon + carbon materials for airspace planes
15. Manufacturing technology of the rocket-space vehicles
15.1. Interchangeability in the rocket-space engineering
15.2. Technological characteristic of workpieces (half-finished products)
15.3. Technological processes of making permanent connection parts
15.4. Assembling and mounting work in rocketbuilding
15.5. Technology of making LPJE
15.6. Technologies of long-term storage of rocket-space machinery
15.7. Production quality control and tests
15.8. Fundamentals of statistical methods of rocket-space production quality management
16. Reliability and experimental verification of rocket vehicle
16.1. Space flight safety
16.2. Reliability quantitative characteristics
16.3. Experimental verification program
16.4. Determination of reliability quantitative characteristics by experimental verification
16.5. Determination of real characteristics based on experimental verification results
16.6. LPJE experimental development.
16.1. Methodological basis of liquid-propellant engines tests.
16.1.1 Fundamental concepts and problems of technological systems tests.
16.1.2. Characteristic of technical fundamentals of planning and analysis of test data.
16.1.3. Simulation of conditions of conducting LPJE bench test.
16.6.2 Testing theory of LPJE experimental development. Principles of LPJE reliability control. LPJE experimental verification. Planning of LPJE experimental verification. Research of mathematical model of physical processes. Methods of dispersion analysis, used while processing of test data. Fail-safety test. Methods of the theory of reliability, used in disposable systems. Methods of the theory of reliability, used in the systems of disposables. Processing of test data. Dynamic equations of LPJE main units. Investigation of LPJE emergencies. Investigation of LPJE emergencies. Methods of setting of emergency factors. Investigation of LPJE emergencies. Transient processes while LPJE working. Modeling of physical processes while LPJE elements and systems verification.
16.6.3. Flying test of liquid propellant jet engines. LPJE as an object of flying test. Simulation of the conditions of operations while LPJE bench development. LPJE technical diagnostics. Planning of the information while LPJE flying test. Flying test measurements. Organizational management of conducting flying test. Estimation of fulfillment of flying test program as for LPJE. LPJE reliability analysis with respect to flying test.