Levenko Alexander (Olexandr, Oleksandr) Sergeyevich.
Was born on August 12, 1949.
The scientific degree - is not present.
The academic status - is not present.
Speciality - engines of flying devices.
Experience of activity on a specialty - since October 6, 1966.
Scientific interests:
- The analysis of space and rocket activity, designs works for aerospace systems, "know-how" of rocket techniques;
- Monitoring natural and technical processes in space;
- Use of wind energy;
- Safety of ability to live and sustainable development;
- Adaptation and acclimatization of an organism of the person in conditions of an environment.
The writer, a member of the Union of journalists of Ukraine.
Vice-president of Academy of societies and persons sustainable development.
The issued works - 16 books, 60 scientific and technical articles, other 90
Inventions - 3, patents for the invention 10.
since 2012 - main designer of the State enterprise "Dniprokosmos";
2010 - deputy director on scientific and technical researches, PP "Pod klyuch", Kiev
2006 - 2009 leading engineer, main specialist on strategic researches of management of development and innovations SE PA Southern Machine-Building Plant named after A. M. Makarov, the chief designer of the reusable unmanned aerospace plane "Sura".
2004-2008 - leading engineer - designer, the scientific secretary of State Enterprise "Dneprocosmos".
1994 - 2012 - publisher of ecological magazine of Dnepropetrovsk city council
2003-2004 - the editor-in-chief of magazine of extreme kinds of sports "The World of an Extreme".
1994-2001 - director Agencies "Cyclone-A", the main designer of an independent wind-driver power station "Cyclone".
1991-1994 - editor-in-chief of a publishing small enterprise "Myth", the editor-in-chief of magazine "Youth and Fantasy".
1990-1991 - chief of sector of firm лBiocor-A-Omega╗, chief of a department of innovative firm
1974-1990 - the engineer, the engineer - designer, the chief of a bureau, the chief of design sector Design office лUzhnoye╗.
1973-1974 - service in the Soviet Army.
1966-1973 - the mechanic - collector, engineer - technologist SE PA Southern Machine-Building Plant named after A. M. Makarov.
Web: Levenko2006.narod.ru.
E-mail: alexander.levenko@gmail.com.